歐立德 Mark C. Elliott |美國哈佛大學教授
2021年,我們有幸邀請到王汎森院士成為第三屆羅家倫國際漢學講座主持人,並舉辦「如何成為『我』、如何成為「我們」─中國近世思潮及其政治意涵」系列講座,2025年邀請到羅家倫國際漢學講座第三屆客座講座教授歐立德 Mark C. Elliott教授演講,延續並開展王汎森院士之講題。
「Between Empire and Nation: Legitimacy, Unity, Identity, and Historical Narrative 天下與國家之間:正統、一統、認同和歷史敘述」系列演講綱要:
Why is it that Qing history matters so much in China today? To answer this question, these lectures explore the political and discursive relations between the last imperial state and the modern Chinese nation, proposing that the same questions of unity, legitimacy, and identity that emerged in the Qing period have returned with a new relevance in the 21st century. They argue further that to fully grasp the historical significance of the Qing era for modern China, it is important to bear in mind not only the notion of “great unity” but also the long shadow of the “discourse on civilization and barbarity” (Hua-Yi zhi bian).
演講(一) 歷史敘事的權重:當代中國書寫大清帝國 The Weight of Historical Narrative: Writing about Qing Empire in Today’s China
- 講師:歐立德 Mark C. Elliott |美國哈佛大學教授
- 主持人:林遠澤教授
- 時間:03/10(一) 14:00-16:00
- 地點:國立政治大學達賢圖書館七樓羅家倫講堂(點我查看位置)
The first lecture seeks to explain the political and intellectual significance of different narratives of Qing history in China today. Whereas for nearly a century the dominant opinion on the Qing was mostly negative, emphasizing Manchu bias, weakness, and corruption, in recent years, as China has grown in economic power, the image of the Qing has been revised in a positive direction; and with the emergence of a link between the “flourishing age” of the Qing and the prosperity of the current “New Era,” academic interpretations of Qing history have come to acquire unexpected importance. They have also led to renewed questioning of the very idea of “China.” In this sense, the definition of the modern Chinese nation is revealed as an ongoing process.
演講(二) 清代論正統、一統、認同 Legitimacy, Unity, and Identity in the Qing
- 講師:歐立德 Mark C. Elliott |美國哈佛大學教授
- 主持人:林遠澤教授
- 時間:03/12(三) 14:00-16:00
- 地點:國立政治大學達賢圖書館七樓羅家倫講堂
Much recent debate around the nature of the Qing state has focused on the interconnected questions of political legitimacy, imperial unity, and ethnic identity. The second lecture explores these issues, beginning with the problem of Sinification, where arguments about legitimacy and identity come together. Manchu tactics to persuade Han skeptics varied, but thinking on both sides was largely framed within the received discourses of “civilization and barbarity,” “Heaven’s mandate,” or “unifying the realm.” Whether modern scholars should take those arguments at face value, and whether this strategy should count as Sinification, are among the questions examined in this lecture.
演講(三) 滿洲人的近代身分認同與「中華民族」的演變 Modern Manchu Identity and the Evolution of the Chinese Nation
- 講師:歐立德 Mark C. Elliott |美國哈佛大學教授
- 主持人:陳弱水教授
- 時間:03/13(四) 14:00-16:00
- 地點:國立臺灣大學行政大樓第一會議廳 (點我查看位置)
To further explore the connections between Qing history and modern China, the third lecture continues to focus on themes of identity and unity, examining the fate of the Manchus after the fall of the Qing dynasty, when they went from being a pariah people in the Republic to a minority nationality in the PRC. Having played a crucial role in the political awakening of the Han nation, the Manchus were essential to sustaining the narrative that modern China’s “unified polyethnic state” transcends the hua-yi discourse. In leading to a re-emphasis of the ethnocultural unity of the Chinese nation, renewed reliance on historical narrative as a political resource in the 21st century creates new challenges for historians.
工作坊 拉鏈還是邊界?重考萬里長城的象徵意義
- 講師:歐立德 Mark C. Elliott |美國哈佛大學教授
- 主持人:林遠澤教授
- 與談人:賴惠敏教授、賴毓芝教授
- 時間:03/14(五) 14:00-16:00
- 地點:國立政治大學達賢圖書館七樓羅家倫講堂
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