

Kiri Paramore

第四屆客座講座教授 – Kiri Paramore 簡介

Kiri Paramore 是愛爾蘭國立大學科克大學亞洲研究教授。他的最新著作《日本儒學:文化史》(劍橋大學出版社,2016 年)獲得了 CHOICE 傑出學術稱號獎。其他書籍包括日本的意識形態和基督教(Routledge,2009 年)和亞洲研究中的宗教和東方主義(Bloomsbury,2016 年)。文章發表於《現代思想史》、《亞洲研究雜誌》、《近代早期歷史雜誌》、《社會與歷史比較研究》、《日本研究雜誌》、《英國科學院院刊》等。現任首席《劍橋儒學史》主編,《新劍橋日本史》作者之一。

Kiri Paramore is Professor of Asian Studies in the National University of Ireland, University College Cork. His last book, Japanese Confucianism: A Cultural History (Cambridge University Press, 2016), was a CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award winner. Other books include Ideology and Christianity in Japan (Routledge, 2009), and Religion and Orientalism in Asian Studies (Bloomsbury, 2016). His articles have appeared in Modern Intellectual History, the Journal of Asian Studies, the Journal of Early Modern History, Comparative Studies in Society and History, the Journal of Japanese Studies, and the Proceedings of the British Academy, etc. He currently serves as chief editor of the Cambridge History of Confucianism, and as one of the authors of the new Cambridge History of Japan.

Paramore was born and grew up in Sydney and studied Asian Studies and Asian History at the Australian National University, Canberra (B.A.S. (1997) Hons. (1999)). While completing his studies he worked for the Australian Department of Defence, and after graduation the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Under the auspices of a Japanese Ministry of Education and Science research scholarship he completed two postgraduate degrees in intellectual history at the University of Tokyo (M.A. 2003, Ph.D. 2006). Between 2007 and 2019 he taught history and Asian Studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands. He has been awarded grants and fellowships from the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taipei, the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, and a number of institutes and universities in Japan.


Kiri Paramore

History I – Global Methods and Transnational History

Kiri Paramore

History II –The History of Confucianism Through a Global Historical Lens

Kiri Paramore

Democracy (I) – Early Modern Japan

Kiri Paramore

Democracy (II) – Workshop