2024 年 3 月 25 日

2024年國立政治大學羅家倫國際漢學講座研究獎助學金 2024 Lo Chia-luen International Sinology Scholarship, National Chengchi University, Taiwan


第一條 國立政治大學(以下簡稱本校)為紀念羅家倫先生對本校貢獻,並鼓勵優秀碩、博士學生來校交流,以臺灣與亞洲經驗連結國際漢學趨勢,做出具前瞻性的研究,特别設置此項奬助學金。

第二條 獎助領域以國際漢學研究為主,獎助對象為相關學系碩、博士研究生。

第三條 獎助方式及獎助期限如下:

  • 碩士生每月新臺幣3萬元;博士生每月新臺幣5萬元。
  • 獎助期限最少3個月,至多6個月。本次公告開放 2024 年 9 月至2025年2月(須於9月開始)2025 年 2月至2025年7月(須於2月中旬後開始)此兩階段來校研究者申請。獎助期間須在政大做研究。
  • 在國外之研究生,另補助經濟艙來回機票乙趟。

第四條 本次申請截止日期為2024年06月01日,申請者須檢附下列文件:

  • 申請表(須註明研究領域)
  • 中文研究計畫(2000字為限)
  • 簡歷表(包含著作目錄)
  • 在學證明及成績單
  • 推薦信二封
  • 本校指導老師同意函

第五條 獲獎人權義如下:

  • 在臺研究期間須有本校教師擔任指導老師
  • 須參加本校安排之各項學術研究活動,並參與政大國際漢學專班課程
  • 受領獎學金期間,不得接受臺灣其他單位補助
  • 須於期滿前參與工作坊,發表研究成果,並繳交執行報告
  • 出版著作須註明獲此獎,並同意本校用於展示及相關教育推廣

請將各文件分開,並依下表方式命名,以 PDF檔方式一同寄至 sinologynccu@gmail.com

  1. 申請表_姓名
  2. 研究計畫_姓名
  3. 簡歷表_姓名
  4. 在學證明及成績單_姓名
  5. 推薦信一_姓名
  6. 推薦信二_姓名
  7. 本校指導老師同意函_姓名

如有相關問題,請聯絡羅家倫國際漢學講座辦公室 +886-82377081

  1. The Office of Lo Chia-luen International Sinology Chair, National Chengchi University (NCCU) is pleased to announce its annual graduate scholarship grants for the academic year 2024-2025.
  2. The scholarship is intended for graduate students and research topics should be related to Sinology.
    • Financial assistance and award period:
      • The scholarship offers a monthly stipend of NTD 30,000 for MA students and NTD 50,000 for PhD students. The award period is 3 to 6 months:
        • Period I:between September 2024 to February 2025 (which must begin in September 2024), or Period II:between February 2025 to July 2025 (which must begin after mid-February 2025). Scholarship recipients are required to carry out their research at NCCU.
    • The scholarship provides recipients from overseas universities with one round-trip, economy-class flight ticket.

3. Applications should be submitted to the Office of Lo Chia-luen International Sinology Chair via email by June 1st, 2024.

4. Applications should include the following documents:

  • Application form (Field of study must be indicated)
  • Research plan written in Chinese or English (maximum of 2,000 characters)
  • Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications)
  • University certificate of enrollment and transcript
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • A NCCU advisor consent letter

5. The scholarship recipient is required to:

  • have a NCCU advisor during the award period
  • participate in academic activities conducted by NCCU
  • participate in International Graduate Lectures of Sinology NCCU
  • receive only this grant and no other scholarships from Taiwan during the award period
  • submit a final report by the end date of the award and attend the workshop to present the research results
  • acknowledge NCCU support in publications and agree to allow NCCU to use the publications in education promotion


Please separate each document and send them to sinologynccu@gmail.com as PDF files with the following names:

1. Application Form _ Name

2. Research Plan _ Name

3. Curriculum Vitae _ Name

4. Certificate and transcript _ Name

5. Recommendation Letter 1 _ Name

6. Recommendation Letter 2 _ Name

7. NCCU advisor consent letter_ Name

Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions.



第五屆羅家倫國際漢學研究獎助學金 獲獎名單 List of 2024 Lo Chia-Luen International Sinology Scholarship Recipients

2024 年 7 月 19 日


第四屆羅家倫國際漢學研究獎助學金 獲獎名單 List of 2023 Lo Chia-Luen International Sinology Scholarship Recipients

2023 年 8 月 8 日



2023 年 3 月 6 日